Small Game Hunting at Atterbury-Muscatatuck
While most focus on larger game, there are multiple species of small game that can be hunted at Atterbury-Muscatatuck. While most of the seasons are concentrated from late fall to early spring, opportunites can be found throughout the year. The most numerous small game found on the installation is squirrel, both Fox and Gray, and Eastern Cottontail Rabbit. Those interested in hunting more unusual small game can try their hand at hunting crow, frog (Bullfrog and Green Frog), or turtle (Eastern Snapping, Spiny Softshell, and Smooth Softshell).
2023/2024 Season Harvest Recap
During the 2023/2024 season, hunters reported harvested a total of 263 small game animals at Camp Atterbury. The chart to the right shows a breakdown of harvest by species and their percentage of the total harvest.
Frog and Turtle Hunting
Frog and turtle hunting is available to any participants with a valid Atterbury-Muscatatuck iSportsman Fishing Permit, Small Game Permit, or Bundle Permit. All state rules and regulations apply including the aggregate bag limit for turtles and minimum carapace length.
Use of Dogs
The use of dogs to hunt quail, rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, opossum, migratory birds, and fall turkey is authorized; however, the use of dogs to run deer or coyote is prohibited. Dogs may be hunted using vehicle conveyance for squirrel, raccoon, and opossum only. Firearms must be unloaded and encased until the dog(s) have treed.
Lost dogs will be reported to Range Control at (812) 526-1351. Hunters will make every attempt to locate such animals prior to leaving the field and, if unsuccessful, leave some article of personal clothing, such as a hat or jacket, at the location where the dog was last seen. Further attempts will be made to locate the lost dog or dogs the following day, if possible, with clearance from Range Control.
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Fever Disease
Rabbit hemorrhagic disease is caused by a virus and classified as a foreign animal disease in the U.S. Rabbit hemorrhagic disease serotype 2 (RHDV2) has been detected in the U.S. multiple times since 2018. RHDV2 appears to only affect rabbits and does not affect human health. RHDV2 is currently not found in Indiana but has the potential to spread to the Hoosier state.
RHDV2 is fatal to wild and domestic rabbits of all ages. Many times the only signs of the disease is sudden death with a blood-stained nose. Currently there is no approved treatment for RHDV2 in the U.S., and measures to prevent or slow the spread are the best course of action. Cases of RHDV2 have been reported in Kentucky, but is not currently found in Indiana. Help monitor for the virus by reporting any sick or dead rabbits to IDNR through their reporting form. Any believed instances of RHDV2 on the Installation should also be reported to the Camp Atterbury Division of Environmental Management.